Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Malacca Trip 22 Dec 07 to 24 Dec 07

This is our 1st oversea trip with all our BK gangs except Karen. Coz she TMM with her bf to Europe sia.. So envy hor.. Her bf is ang mos..
Thanks to Stanley for guiding us there. We enjoy ourselves very much. And thanks to Janice for booking such a nice villa

** There's alot of photos to be loaded.. Be patient ya!!

On the way
Reached our villa
Outside the Villa
Our 3 rides

Look fierce??
A nice one
The couple
My dear hubby is playing too..
omg..see..must be very painful
Our visit
Durian?? or chacoal??
so many hands are trying to open a durian..


Nice cake there..

Our Angela

Group pix
At nitz b4 coming back to Singapore.. We had our dinner in JB.. Cheap and nice foods..

** Above pixs are grab from Angela. .
To see more pix here.

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