Sunday, June 21, 2009

Escape Theme Park on 21 Jun 09

Went to theme park on yesterday.. Such a pretty hot weather sia..but we enjoy it..
** Seriously dun have time to edit the photos..
Dear and me.. We are waiting for our turn for the ride.

Arent we looks like we are the BBQ chicken??

Wilson and me

We are acting cute..
Q at the "Hunted II" house. But baby said dun take pix inside coz the mo mo will capture in the camera..haha!!

Waiting for tis.. Video clip can be found here

Foreva not open. Or is it closed pemp?
Such a long q sia..


We want higher some more..
sshhhh.. so noisy..

Closed again.. *cry*

Weather super hot, chilled inside BK

Why they like to play this le? Nothing fun at all..

While waiting..

Nice rainbow

Play the horse racing..knn, we kena 2nd prize nia...

After that we went for dinner with in celebrate Father's daz..

Dad, wish u hav a wonderful dinner there ya..Happy Father's Daz !!

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