Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shopping time with BB 01 Jul 09

Haiz..Boring boring boring.. Wanna to jio gang for shopping but most of my frds are rushing closing and stay late for work.. Sms to BB and happy that he wants to go with me..lolz..
I heard that O2 Skin is having promo GSS 85% sales.. Great!! And also, they have a new outlet at Parkway Parade..we shall proceed there..
Thats a good deals right?? Gals quick go and grab it!! Promo over soon ya..

I go Mango to search for the short pant I want badly but..sigh!! no stock le, only left blue colour de which I dun like..*sob sob*

Den we went to Topshop la, den to M)phosis and to lotsa more . . Hav to control myself of buying too many things..And also financial too..Trying very hard to dig out 1k monthly for my dad's stupid debt. And also must hav some saving for next year trip.. Yuppie!!
We found a Japanese shop that selling some japanese stuffs and some more can have your foods there..Great!! Sashimi!! My love.. The shop named is Sakuraya Foods Pte Ltd located at basement. Ops..Forgotten to take pix for the shop.. We got ourseleves a huge salmon Sashimi and we enjoy the foods there.. I've bought home a Washabe tibits, Choco Monaka jumbo ice-cream..Yummy yummy!! Total u guess how much I've spend? Only $24.00 WOW!!

And this is wat I've bought at O2

Fake eye lashes (About $15 plus)

Green Tea eyes mask (after discount was abt $7 plus for 10pcs(5 sets))
Had a mask last nice..

Eyes shadow (Cost $1.90 ONLY) Wow!!

Alot of colour around but I got this colour.. Which I found it nice..

And u just spend $20 onwards, you can get a free membership for a year. Plus some free gift if u hit certain amount. They also have a yearly schedule for each month promo. Check it out here ! Total spend in O2 - $22.57 nia..keke..

This morning trying to put onz fake eye lashes but getting disappointed manz.. Hard to stick onz sia.. Maybe I dun have skill..*sob sob**
Give it up as I dun wanna to spend much time onz tat.. Scare late for work.. So just put onz mascara and use this Shu Uemura eye lashes curl..

And the result..
Simple and not so "kua Zhang" (In chinese) exaggerate (P.S. I noe my complex is not so good ya, sleepy face and yes, my red eye)

Todaz dress code. And you noe? my top can actually act as skirt as well..

Or should I put onz a cardigan??

No feel for high heel todaz..Sandal ba..
And ciao for work..
And knn, late again.. recently always late for work..but lucky, boss is not in office when I reached office..My coll also said she will later for 1/2 hr..And den, I gets to noe that Boss is actually goes to Batam todaz sia..No one told me..Pengz, let me scare for nothing.. *angry*

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