Saturday, September 26, 2009

A tire daz

Last nitz went for movie with hubby. Movie name Accident.. A indeed stupid show.. haha.. We almost fall asleep. We went to Ajisen for dinner and saw Ah min there.. She was there for dinner too with Mini while waiting for her cousin.

Boss was back from holiday on thurs. As per what we've guessed. He cfm will talk to us abt the lateness thingz.. Hmm.. Im not the one who was late ya. He just dun like ppl to lie to him..

But well, he still good le, he bought chewing gums for me and Jo. Sweets for my kids too.. Thanks..

Sweets from boss

We went to Macperson for prawn noodle on thurs. Edwin (Jo's frd) come and fetch us. He is so suan, kena 4D from Fatimah.. Haha..

Friday we went to bugis for lunch den to bugis v to get some nail polish stuffs. And it &*%*$*^&%$& to cost me alots sia.. Hubby will scold me for such.
Above pixs items r get from bugis v while below one is get from JB.

Help mei mei to custom make the lantern that her teacher asked
Nice mah? I pasted on bling bling for her too..

Mei mei lost her calculator hence get her a new one.. White color tis time
And I've pasted her name on it..

I've rec'd from NETS of my order cashcard..
So sweet and nice.. I hope my buddy will love it too..

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