Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nail Art work

Being wanted to make my nail mei mei but it is damn exp to do it in Sin. Cost abt hundred plus. in JB much more cheaper but den dunno when my hubby can send me in again..
Ytd bought a few of nail polish and fake eye lashes from JB.. super damn.. and still 1 for 1 free.. wow!!
A smooth daz todaz from work.. after work, me and hubby went for facial at Ling Ling's spa. My face always red when come out from there.. Unlike Jean Yip..
Den we go to in law's house for dinner.. At first I dun intend to hav my dinner but hubby was hungry soo..
I make a new frd today. Her name is Wanxia. She teach me some skill of DIY the nail.. I've tried it today when I get home..
And this is the result I get.. Not tat easily indeed..
I like a few design and wanna try. Being to Youtube and watch how they did it..

Wanxia noe how to do alot of design and these are her art work.

Is it very nice?? I think I really got alot to learn from her ya..

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