Thursday, October 1, 2009

This is so funny..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Enjoying ..

A tire daz.. mask can help to dis-stress..

Good nitz..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

DIY my nail again..

Bought so many thingz to DIY.. should try try ya..
Her u go..

My leg also got bling bling..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A tire daz

Last nitz went for movie with hubby. Movie name Accident.. A indeed stupid show.. haha.. We almost fall asleep. We went to Ajisen for dinner and saw Ah min there.. She was there for dinner too with Mini while waiting for her cousin.

Boss was back from holiday on thurs. As per what we've guessed. He cfm will talk to us abt the lateness thingz.. Hmm.. Im not the one who was late ya. He just dun like ppl to lie to him..

But well, he still good le, he bought chewing gums for me and Jo. Sweets for my kids too.. Thanks..

Sweets from boss

We went to Macperson for prawn noodle on thurs. Edwin (Jo's frd) come and fetch us. He is so suan, kena 4D from Fatimah.. Haha..

Friday we went to bugis for lunch den to bugis v to get some nail polish stuffs. And it &*%*$*^&%$& to cost me alots sia.. Hubby will scold me for such.
Above pixs items r get from bugis v while below one is get from JB.

Help mei mei to custom make the lantern that her teacher asked
Nice mah? I pasted on bling bling for her too..

Mei mei lost her calculator hence get her a new one.. White color tis time
And I've pasted her name on it..

I've rec'd from NETS of my order cashcard..
So sweet and nice.. I hope my buddy will love it too..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nail Art work

Being wanted to make my nail mei mei but it is damn exp to do it in Sin. Cost abt hundred plus. in JB much more cheaper but den dunno when my hubby can send me in again..
Ytd bought a few of nail polish and fake eye lashes from JB.. super damn.. and still 1 for 1 free.. wow!!
A smooth daz todaz from work.. after work, me and hubby went for facial at Ling Ling's spa. My face always red when come out from there.. Unlike Jean Yip..
Den we go to in law's house for dinner.. At first I dun intend to hav my dinner but hubby was hungry soo..
I make a new frd today. Her name is Wanxia. She teach me some skill of DIY the nail.. I've tried it today when I get home..
And this is the result I get.. Not tat easily indeed..
I like a few design and wanna try. Being to Youtube and watch how they did it..

Wanxia noe how to do alot of design and these are her art work.

Is it very nice?? I think I really got alot to learn from her ya..

Monday, September 21, 2009

JB time

Hubby's off daz todaz, plus Hari Raya.. all of us r off today.. Plan to go JB trip.. My redtimo is very li hai le.. Can fetch 6 ppls there..xoxo!! I felt so proud of my "Xiao Qin Ren"..
We went in early in the morning for Bak Gu Teh for breakfast.. Bo take pix too bad..
My hubby almost 1yr bo go in to JB liao.. and he is a bit blur of the new custom.. Bt still clever him managed to go thru.
After that we went to holiday Plaza to shop.. I saw the nail spa salon and feel like wanna to go in and make my nail mei mei.. but who wan to wait for me right.. sigh..
In the end I bought a shoes from Summit.. Den we went to City Square and wanna to watch FD 4. but sigh, only above 18 yrs old den can watch.. My 2 bao bei cannot watch sia..
We changed our mind for watching but go to Sentosa for dinner..
Den buy back a few XX. .
It is raining heavily there..
We got to rush back to Singapore before 6pm.. Otherwise will be jam until siao..
We reached Singapore at abt 7plus.. And we felt hungry again sia.. MIL cooked mee for us.. yummy yummy.. but I felt so fat after taken to foods.. Coz these few daz I really ate alot..
This is our holiday program for the daz..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Creation

My buddy's birthday is coming soon.. She is not like us gals, will jump when seeing those jewellery. Hence I think of a special gift to give her this year..

Tada.. my creation.. I've design this my own.. Swee mah? Can see what is this mah?

Hope she will like it..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My lunch

A bit of headache when wake up.. must be last nitz drink too much le.. Hence prepared these formy kids and mi..

Nice and Sweet

Found these really very sweet and wanna to take pix on them..

My kid's name on the 3D cake..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Butter Factory with my gang on Fridaz Nitz

Quite rush for the cheong-ing. Supposely was saying that me dun have to go to in law's house, kids come back their own and we pray for 7th month last of the day and Im free..
But bobian my MIL bought a cake for my mei mei, we went over to my in law's house for dinner, den rush back to pray den I can ciao. . Hubby like not happy ya.. think is becoz he is stress of his work ba..
We meet at Raffles MRT station. I tot I will be late but turns out that Im the early one..
We reached BF and was wow.. so many ppl ya. I think me long long time bo come out liao.. haha..
We q for a long time altot we've make a reservation. . Hence boliao and took some pixs..
Me and KL
Not the same pix ya.. she wan more swee taken
Ladies in black

Ladies in colorful..
And finally me and Ah Meng.. She look so serious le..

I saw Adrienne there too.. It such a long time neva seen her since I left GCF. She still as usual, skinny skinny one.. Her bf's gang table was just beside us only. At first her bf (I think he dunno) approached me for my name, but kena drag away from KL. 2nd times was his frd name John. and again kena drag way by KF this time..

After that, the rest of ML's frds come over and meet us.. I think our table is the most huge ppl there.

It is really very long time that I've come out at nitz with my gang.. I've enjoy myself so much.. The ladies are very fun.. Esp Ah Meng, the wat she dance was damn funny.. A bit high on tat nitz.. but dare not ask hubby to fetch me coz he need to work long time for next day.. coz malays have taken leave for their new year. I cab home.. and while inside the cab i was like wanna to vomit.. I lun all the way home and vomit.. at downstair rest for a while b4 going home.. I scare hubby wont be happy when he saw me like tat.

A bit of disappointed too.. coz I think, my best frd is no longer my best frd anymore..

Attendance - Me, KL, KF, Ah Meng, Karen, Rox, Jane, Olive, Vincent, Jamie, Allan, Agnes, May, Pei Ling, Chalence(hope I spell correctly) etc.. I think tat for all, let me noe if I left out any ya.

Yawn!! too tire liao.. ciao..

Cleona's actual daz birthdaz with Tan Family dd 18 Sep 09

My MIL get a cake for my mei mei on her actual daz again..
The cake

She indeed dun really like to take pix..
After this, I got a party times with my gal's gang..

Fridaz again..

Boss is out for holidaz for a week.. And I guess this is our happy times in office..
Me and Jo went to Bugis for shopping and lunch..

See our lunch.. yummy yummy..
And can u believe? The Guess bag was only cost $45.. wow..
bought the mascarra and eye liner.. Heard from Jo that these are really really good..

Saw this bag at Topshop.. But a bit expense ya.. Hubby can help me to buy coz he got discount.. But.. Do u really need it??

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I really need to share these videos with you guys. Hahaha Enjoy! Really cannot tahan him le..


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cousin Steven's & Yiping's princess full month celebration dd 13 Sep 09

Her birthdaz is so close to Yiping.. Next time can celebrate together liao. So fast one month le.. The baby Princess Zi Ting is so cute and pretty.. Congra ya Kor.. Work hard for another little Steven or Yiping ya..
Princess Zi Ting Chermaine
Pix from Sweeties Moments (1pc cost $1)

Went to their house a few times but neva gets a chance to take pix.. I like their design house.. Coz he is a designer mah.. The whole reno cost him abt $40k.

Platform of his master bedroom. He was actually hack all the rooms and wall and rebuild everything again. The bedroom was like wow.. so big until can build a walk in WD
The bed..

The door
I like this..
Living Room

Saturday, September 12, 2009

BK friends gathering cum celebrating of Wilson & Cleona's birthdaz on 12 Sept 09

As I've mentioned early on tat I've arranged some friends to come to my house for gathering, mahjong and my 2 kids's birthdaz celebration. Thanks for everyone's prezie to them, so sweet of u all. I hope u guys are enjoying for the nitz..

Attendance: Janice, Wee Loong, Stanley, Angela, their 3rd baby, Lawrence, XiaoLing, Ming Shun, Jes & Axl

** Axl - altot yr gf is not here but I hope one daz she can come out with us soon ya.
** Karen & bf - So sad u cannot come for the daz but shall arrange again.

Wilson birthdaz - 09 09 96
Cleona birthdaz - 18 09 98

Prepared steamboat and cook chicken rice for our dinner. Actually wanna cook some foods instead but hubby said prepare steamboat more easy den.. Hope u guys like the food ya.

The gals.. Janice & Jess

Mahjong times
3D cake that I've custom make from Ecupcakes. very nice cake. Tiger is with lemon curd fillings and Rat is with Rich Chocolate with chocolate ganache filling and fresh cream toppings. Should anyone like it and wanna order from Elleen, remember to mention my name to her ya so that can get discount from ordering.






The kids are caught in surprise

Family photo

Cutting cakes..

Hubby played some collection of his DVD.. They watched until so serious can't concerate of playing the mahjong. xoxo..

Play video :: :: ::

We enjoy ourselves tat nitz altot is a bit tire.. Tml is my Steven cousin's princess full month celebration.. another tire Sunday again.. nitz nitz!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Impt daz for dressing up

Impt appt.. those who closed to me shall noe wat im referring..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wilson's birthdaz celebration with Tan Family

Cake was bought by Kat. Todaz is the actual day but will be celebrate for him again with Cleona on 12/9/09. I've custom make a 3D cake for him..